The Sun has been a favourite subject
for artists. There is no artist worth her salt who has not painted some aspect
of the sun or the other, at some point of her life, as an artist. Well I am no
exception! But I found painting the sun in the same old way – oh! so boring, so
I decided to make an abstract of it ie. not looking like the real thing. Artists mostly paint the
rising or the setting sun because those are the times you can actually look at
it and appreciate its beauty. I thought of painting the rising sun and
demarcated the lower edge of the canvas as the horizon. The suns rays are of
course linear but I decided to digress and instead made them circular in
keeping with the preference of the universe for all things circular. To break
the monotony of the circles I put some brown verticle motifs which also
provided a break from the sun colours. This corner (lower right) denotes earth
and its flora.
While the rising sun is orangish
I made it a bright gold and instead used all its beautiful colors in the
background ranging from alizarin crimson and cadmium red to peach to pink ie from a dark to a light
shade. The golden rays of the sun have also been softly merged with the
background at the tips.
The second is a painting of a
blue colored bird which my sister tells me is a Nilgiri fly catcher. There was
a time when I was painting everything blue specially a lot of blue sea and blue
sky. Suddenly I saw the picture of this cute blue colored bird on one of my
sisters bird books. My “blue” mood took a fancy to it and I decided to make a
quick bright painting of it, so selected
acrylic as the medium of choice. Since the acrylic paints dry very fast merging
effects were not to my satisfaction, so I have used small hatching strokes,
which overlap.
The third is a mural of Ganesha
on thin plywood. It was made with ceramic powder kneaded with fevicol to a
dough like consistency. The colors are acrylic with pearl shine.
This one is of a few leaves of a tree growing outside the house. Some texturing has been applied on the background.
A rural setting.
Night heron with chicks |
The sticks have been made using texturing.
A beautiful painting of the colourful macaw |
Flowers of the Adenium obesum growing on my terrace. |
Some amount of texturing has been done in this painting.
*Acrylic paints are derived from
petroleum. Acrylics contain three basic ingredients – pigment, water and
synthetic resin which acts as the binder. To improve the paint’s performance
other ingredients such as plasticisers are also added.
*There are many kinds of
speciality acrylics including the following: irridescent colors simulate the look of metals such as gold, silver
and bronze. Interference or
refractive colors change when viewed at different angles. Airbrush colors are watery thin.
*Acrylics are suited to hard
edged paintings because of its rapid drying time. On the other hand unlike oil
paintings your work is dry and ready as soon you have made it.
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